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The Grimoire Chapters: Rem

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Episode 6 – Hellbound (Part 1) Online OCT 30thPart 1 of 2. This Halloween, the past will haunt the present and carry on its dark traditions. Secrets from the original experiment are revealed as Jules Parker approaches her destiny, leaving murderous havoc in her wake. Detective Warren finds his answers. And the mastermind behind the misery steps from out of the shadows.

(Season 3 Synopsis)
In 1968, a deadly sleep experiment took place at the Parker family residence. A crime that would go down in infamy and sets in motion a series of events, leading to a startling killing spree in 1988. Who or what is the connection?

Michael Davis
Madison Mitchell, Andrew Guerrero, Dianne Kocher, Michael Davis, Jared W. Hayes, Danielle Nicole Carranza, Joel Shade, Meganne Kocher, James McIntyre, Marcelle Griffin, Andrew Burkum, Lupita Pineda, Amelia Neve, Matt Capron, Heather Palmer, Lauren Morris

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