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After Nightfall

Web / New Media

“After Nightfall” is a 6 part web series, that asks the question, “Who Killed Troy McLeavey”?
When an 18 year old boy from a small town is murdered, everyone is a suspect. His family, his drug dealing Uncle, his boyfriend, his ex-boyfriend and conservative parents, the town thug and the sleazy local bookshop owner.

But just who killed Troy McLeavey?

Wayne Tunks
Kristina Benton, Sandra Campbell, Tristan Clark, Alec Ebert, Darren Fahlbush, Adam Haylock, Prudence Holloway, Claire Johnston, Jasper Lee-Lindsay, Chantel Leseberg, Emma Louise, Joel Maguire, Robert Miniter, Jacinta Moses, Jace Pickard, Wayne Tunks, David Woodland

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